
Front-End Development

Using HTML5's semantic tags, the animation abilities of CSS3, and JavaScript/JQuery for interaction, I'm able to come up with easily readible code that translates into great looking web products.

Responsive Design

It's 2016 and the majority of web browsing is done through a screen that fits in your pocket, so it's only right to be able to have a site which fits on that screen. With tools like Bootstrap and media queries I can build applications that do just that.

Back-end Development

For everything that happens behind the scenes I work with Ruby on Rails, an MVC framework that's simple to work with but very capable of handling the most complex app features.


About Me



Hi, I'm Jose, creator of this webpage and many other things. I have experience building web apps using Ruby on Rails as my main back-end tool. From small landing pages to complete ecommerce sites. I'm currently looking for an entry level position as a Junior Web Developer. If you are looking to hire or just want to say hi, don't hesitate to contact me.

My Skills

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript/JQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Ruby on rails
  • Git/Github Version Control
  • RSpec
  • Some Photoshop
  • Some Illustrator

A closer look...

I was born and raised in NYC... Queens to be exact. Besides creating great looking web apps I also love getting my hands dirty with all types of DIY projects. I'm a true believer of being self sufficient, so anytime I have the opportunity to learn a new skill and do something myself, I got for it. When I'm not working on some self appointed project you can catch me in the gym or on my bike doing some 'urban exploring'.

You can check me out here too!

Contact Me!

I am available for fulltime work and freelance work.

Jose Morel



Frequently Asked Questions.
Click on a question.

My clients are people who want help creating great looking, interactive websites to showcase themselves to the world (wide web).
The websites I provide are completely responsive across all platforms. This means no matter the size of the screen, whether large office desktops or small cellphone screens, the webpages will be fully functional. Projects can range from single static webpages to complex multi-page web apps. I love a challenge.
This varies on the size of the project. Contact me and we can discuss what you want and project turnaround times in more detail.
My main goal is to provide my client with exactly what they contacted me for... A great website. With that being said, My process is based off of four principals.

1. Listen to exactly what the client wants
2. Communicate with the client while building a first draft
3. Review work with the client and make changes where neccessary (repeat until satisfied)
4. Deploy the finished product.
If your website needs constant updates I can provide services for ongoing maintenance.